💾 The 1% (Now Cookieless)

It’s the beginning of the end for Third Party Cookies.

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Google Chrome’s Phasing Out Third-Party Cookies for 1% of Users

Yesterday was the day we’ve all been dreading as marketers but cheering as humans. Google has officially rolled out Tracking Protection in Chrome for 1% of global users.

When I saw this article by Search Engine Land come across my feed five times in an hour, I knew what today’s lead story would be. We’ve known that third-party cookies would disappear and are already blocked by Apple and other products. But Google Chrome was holding on for dear life because, you know, Google’s ad business thrives off third-party data sharing.

But the time has come for even Google to see the writing on the wall, which brings us to yesterday’s events. It’s the beginning of the end for Third Party Cookies. Here are Nine questions to consider as Google starts its move away from third-party cookies.

What is the world going to do without them? TikTok is hiring third-party vendors to replace the third-party data they have lost. Other ad platforms are also trying to protect their lucrative businesses. But with privacy legislation looking to take an even bigger step in 2024, it will take a lot of innovation to get back to the “good old days” of advertising effectiveness, if ever. The cookie days are truly numbered.

🧑‍🏫 [Webinar] Google Ads “Agency in a Box”

The problem: your team isn’t shipping enough winning creative to scale ad accounts. 

The solution: get your team to master the art and science of creative strategy with Thumbstop. 

Every Sunday, you’ll learn how to bridge the gap between media buying and creative, helping you ship more winning TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube ads.

You’ll learn:

⚡️ The Art: creativity cheat codes, trending ad formats backed by Motion data, and how to build creative performance teams the right way.

🔬 The Science: analytical skills that make marketers 10X more valuable, tales of scale & experimentation, and advanced creative analysis techniques.



🌪️ The marketing funnel in 2024

Influencer marketing and social media are poised for more growth in 2024 as trends from social commerce to paid media continue to accelerate. This article was written about the European market, but I think it can safely apply worldwide.

🤖 How Media Leaders Will Make AI Work in 2024

You had me at “AI Spend was $19.8 Billion in 2023 and will 5x by 2030” until I thought to myself “that seems like a low bar to set.” If AI doesn’t grow by at least 50x by 2030, then I will publicly declare that I was wrong.

🍔 Influencer marketing is ‘becoming a necessity’ for restaurant brands

More restaurant brands, big and small, are shifting their marketing dollars away from traditional advertising toward influencer relationships. Yes, influencers get people to go to restaurants. How do I know? Because I end up “starving” after doom scrolling through reels every morning and then start Googling “Birria Tacos” for another hour before finally getting to work.



The 2024 Advertising Outlook Report

In their survey of 1,000+ leading brands, advertising agencies, media providers, and tech companies, Media Ocean has it all in their 2024 Advertising Outlook report.

Wonder what role plays in AI, and which positions are most affected? Find out in the report.

And in a related note, be sure to register for my webinar on January 11th where we share our results from surveying 310 Google Ads agencies about the landscape of Google.



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