šŸ’¾ Keepin it Simple

Could AI Be the Key to Simplifying Marketing Technology?

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Generative AI Could Turn the Tide on MarTechā€™s UX Complexity Problem

There are some real changes underway in a 99% platitude-free report by Scott Brinker at ChiefMartec. You know those marketing technology platform diagrams that have so many company logos on them you canā€™t even read the names? 

Well, this article predicts that AI will be changing all that complexity to make things easier again. As soon as 2024, when walls of data silos come crashing down.

Thatā€™s plenty of optimism about some pretty serious changes. But heā€™s predicting an even more profound change in martech that could become a defining trend in the coming year.

Based on last yearā€™s release of ChatSpot, Brinker argues that Generative AI user interfaces will simplify martech UX even as the growing demand for functionality forces martech systems to become more complex.

I closed out 2023 by stating my case for efficiency and value as the guiding principles for a profitable and productive 2024. I rang in the new year by weighing in on the ongoing debate over the potential and pitfalls inherent in AI.

I wanted to highlight Brinkerā€™s discussion of the value that generative AI can deliver for marketers because it brings the lofty discussions of technology and efficiency back down to earth. When you take AI out of the lofty spaces of manifestos and theoretical debates, you get to ask important questions like ā€œHow can it make me more efficientā€ and ā€œHow will it help create valueā€?

By balancing system complexity with simplified user experience, we can feel better about navigating the choppy waters we expect to encounter in those data silos. Iā€™m all about keeping things simple, and welcome this as a refreshing perspective heading into this new year ahead.


How 72,000+ CEOs & Marketers Start Their Day

We all agree marketing is the lifeblood of every business. 

But are you wondering which new customer acquisition channels brands are finding success with? Trying to figure out how to create landing pages that actually convert clicks into customers? Debating on taking Tik Tok seriously or not? 

Well more than 72,000+ world class CEOs, Founders, & Marketers are getting the answers to all of those questions and more by simply reading Growth Daily for 5 minutes every morning! 

Dubbed ā€œThe WSJ of marketingā€ by its readers, Growth Daily delivers the most impactful news, tips, tools, and insights for all things business growth!


šŸ”Ž Instagram Ranking Explained

If youā€™ve ever wondered why you tend to see more videos from influencers you followed on a whim than posts from your inner circle of friends, Instagram finally provides answers

Call it a refreshing piece of transparency or a publicity stunt, but either way, youā€™ll want to check out this course for a detailed refresher on how your Instagram feed is fed with content (and why your doom scrolling likely wonā€™t go away any time soon). 

šŸ¤Æ Avoiding Attribution Errors: Tips for Accurate Marketing Analysis

Regardless of product type, marketing strategy, and objectives, every marketer has something in common: we all want to know whether our efforts are moving the needle on sales.

Building an attribution model is all about gauging marketing performance by matching your marketing spend to your sales revenue. Where things get tricky is that making those connections isnā€™t always cut and dry.  The secret to measuring marketing attribution more accurately is approaching it like itā€™s another aspect of the purchase funnel to be measured like everything else.

šŸ“…Facebookā€™s Link History Option Is Coming to All Users

A new year means a slew of new features from tech companiesā€”and one of the earliest out of the block in 2024 has come from Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram. Link History provides a repository of links clicked by users from within the Facebook mobile app and accessed within its custom-built browser.

The tool is being presented by Meta as a boon for users, ensuring that they never face the frustration of wondering where they last saw something important online. However, the fact that data is being collected by Meta and used to target ads better has given experienced users concerned about privacy reasons for pause.



How to conduct a competitive product analysis, and why you should

Weā€™ve been pretty focused on technology and data in recent weeks. And for good reason. Big questions must be answered, and big changes are occurring on all fronts.

Still, itā€™s important to remember that the goal of everything we do as marketers is to ensure that our products stand out from the competition in ways that find favor with consumers. And the foundation of effective marketing will always be effective messaging. So, how do we do a better job of creating effective messaging?

A competitive analysis is an often-overlooked step in the process of positioning brands and products. But telling consumers how your products differ from others in the market can be just as important to effective marketing campaigns as the work you do to tell them about the product itself.

This guide from SproutSocial answers all of the questions you might have about what a competitive analysis is and why you should do one, including how to get started and what to look for.



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