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  • šŸ’¾ Marketing Mix Modeling is MMM-MMM Good!

šŸ’¾ Marketing Mix Modeling is MMM-MMM Good!

MMM provides options for a cookie-less future, but every silver lining has a touch of grey

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At a time when marketers find themselves adrift and rudderless in a sea of data, inquiring minds want to know - What the heck do we do with it all? Over the last 15 years, the total amount of data created across the globe has increased by almost 8,950%

Sound the trumpets for the charge of the data-driven marketing brigade! Now queue the needle scratching across the vinyl (remember vinyl?). What about data consolidation, predictive analytics, and everything else that you need to turn all of that data into results?

One solution that offers both a decades-long legacy of success and an all-in-one solution to the current challenges marketers face is Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM).  MMM solves many of the challenges of cookie deprecation because it aggregates data from across channels instead of focusing on individual actions. But, of course, thereā€™s a catch!

Until now, the high cost of setting up and maintaining MMM has been a barrier to entry for all but the largest enterprises. And thatā€™s where Google and Meta have focused their attention. With Meridian (Google) and Robyn (Meta) the tech giants are hoping to democratize MMM to firms that can afford to buy but canā€™t afford to build.

The idea of getting your performance analysis tools from a platform that is hoping to score a chunk of your advertising budget might make you nervous. And, maybe it should. Entrusting the analysis of your marketing channel data to a major advertising player introduces a potential conflict of interest.

As John Readman of ASK BOSCO argues in a Forbes Council post, ā€œgranting industry-leading advertising platforms free rein of marketing channel data may be tempting fate.ā€ He goes on to ask whether a third party MMM could provide the competitive advantage that businesses need. An interesting question indeed!

The secret to growing on LinkedIn in 2024

The secret to growing on LinkedIn in 2024

There's a rising demand for high-quality video content on LinkedIn. This presents a major opportunity for brands (and thought leaders) ready to step in.

Hereā€™s how you can capitalize:

  1. Grab your company's existing video assets, like interviews or webinars

  2. Generate dozens of clips using OpusClip

  3. Schedule your whole monthā€™s worth of video clips on LI using our new Calendar feature

  4. Reply to comments on your videos to foster your new connections

Want the full breakdown, with examples from companies like SaaStr and Chili Piper? Read it for free here


SEO and user experience (UX) are critical components of modern digital marketing strategies. While SEO focuses on improving a websiteā€™s visibility in search engine results, UX aims to optimize the overall experience for users visiting the site.

At first glance, these two objectives may seem contradictory. However, as search engines like Google continue to prioritize user satisfaction, the lines between SEO and UX are blurring.

It seems impossible to check social media without coming across a reel, TikTok, or LinkedIn post from a self-proclaimed millionaire stating that digital marketing helped them "escape the matrix". Digital marketing is seemingly the key to becoming a big baller, blinging out in Dubai. 

So, is a career in digital marketing worth it? Short answer ā€“ yes. Long answer ā€“ yes, since you're already chronically online, you may as well monetise your screen time. Even if it doesn't make you a clickbait-y influencer, digital marketing is a future-proofed career path with numerous current prospects and even more to come.

AI is revolutionizing traditional marketing paradigms. But, marketers across the globe are confronted with pressing questions that have far-reaching consequences for the future. As we move through an era marked by rapid technological advancements, the marketing sector emerges as an arena of profound change. 

As we venture deeper into understanding our customers, the demand for more nuanced data grows. Who is responsible for gathering this data, and how do they go about it in an ethical way? Marketers, who have historically ignored this issue, can no longer afford to do so.


The research report, called ā€œIs CTR Really Dead? The State of Digital Advertisingā€™s Most Famous Metric,ā€ brings an analytical lens to rising concerns that we are entering a ā€œzero-click" era. 

Using Infillionā€™s AI-powered Phonic survey technology, it found that consumers are getting more discerning about the value of the ads they see, how reputable they consider the brand, and how interruptive they perceive the ad to be. 

With social media and generative AI at consumersā€™ fingertips, thereā€™s more they can do to learn about a brand beyond clicking on an ad. But theyā€™re not permanently averse to it ā€” they just need the right incentive at the right time.

ā€œWhat consumers are saying loud and clear is that theyā€™re tired of seeing their attention exploited, whether itā€™s through unwanted barrages of interruptive ads or messaging that they donā€™t entirely trust,ā€ said Laurel Rossi, chief revenue officer and chief marketing officer, Infillion.

The REAL Growth Killer of Service Businesses (That No One Has Ever Told You About)

After years of working with hundreds of agency ownersā€¦ and going through my own business challenges (some of them so painful I wanted to quit many times), Iā€™ve discovered one thing that no one is talking about:

Why service business owners become bottlenecks preventing their businesses from thriving. 

The good news? We found a solution that is actually pretty easy to implementā€¦ 

Iā€™m going live on May 16th at 1 PM ET to share my near-failure story and how I turned it around with only 3 essential components every service business needs:


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