šŸ’¾ Post Deprecation Strategy

The NY Post turns to friends with the tools and expertise to develop a post-cookie strategy

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Publishers have heard it countless times: First-party data will be the key to winning ad budgets as third-party cookies disappear.

But data science is complicated, and publisher sales teams need help not only gathering first-party data, but using that data to build audiences that are attractive to advertisers.

The NY Post has been around for over 200 years, so you might assume it has a wealth of proprietary audience data to pull from. But it only started seriously building its first-party data strategy a couple of years ago.

As part of building that strategy, the NY Post contracted Permutive as its preferred data management platform. Doing so enabled it to pool data insights from its parent company, News Corp.ā€™s, wider network.

The publisher then turned to Prohaska Consulting for advice on monetizing the audience data within Permutiveā€™s platform. Prohaska also helps the NY Post tie that data to users by incentivizing email logins or using alternative IDs.


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Google will not complete third-party cookie deprecation on Chrome until early in 2025. The search giant announced the delay in a blog post, noting the third-party website cookies data tracking won't take place as planned for the second half of the fourth quarter of 2024.

Google said initially it would phase out third-party cookies in Chrome by 2022, then delayed that to late 2023, then again to late 2024. And now, 2025. Google says it will provide a specific update regarding the schedule for discontinuing third-party cookies in Chrome.

Pre-testing advertising is one of those ancient chestnuts that splits the marketing community right down the middle. Half the CMOs I have worked for will tell you itā€™s unnecessary. But the other half head in the opposite direction.

But pre-testing has changed. Is changing. And with those changes, itā€™s time to acknowledge that to push back against pre-testing is to reveal a lack of awareness of these changes, and the opportunities they present to avoid failure and improve effectiveness.

94% of global marketers agree that influencer marketing is effective at increasing brand awareness. Itā€™s no secret that influencers cultivate genuine connections with their audiences. A majority of consumers trust the information shared by the influencers they follow.

This underscores the importance of selecting the right influencers to endorse your brand. A single misstep in choosing the right influencer can lead to disastrous consequences for both brand image and customer trust.


Good news for any marketer looking to squeeze a little more money out of the CFO. A new study has found that all forms of advertising are a profitable driver of business growth, effective in both the short- and the long-term.

The study ā€“ ā€˜Profit Ability 2: the new business case for advertisingā€™ ā€“ found that advertising on average has a short-term profit ROI of Ā£1.87 per pound invested, which increases to Ā£4.11 when sustained effects (up to 24 months) are included.

Most interestingly, the study shows that 58% of advertisingā€™s total profit generation happens after the first 13 weeks, clearly demonstrating the case for consistency and repetition to an effective campaign.


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