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  • šŸ’¾ It Takes Three to Make a Thing Go Right

šŸ’¾ It Takes Three to Make a Thing Go Right

Incrementality, MMM, and Traditional Attribution form the next-gen mobile marketing triad


The mobile marketing landscape has undergone a seismic shift in recent years, evolving into a new age where privacy is at center stage. Staying ahead of the competition now requires more than just innovative plans. It demands cutting-edge tools to create strategies that build connections with audiences and enable efficient campaign optimization.

The marketing and business communities need to be receptive to change, as advertising technology is a continuously adapting and advancing industry. Any business that embraces these shifts and adopts new strategies wisely will find themselves better positioned for the future.

A  future-ready approach to measurement can be found in the ā€˜next-gen mobile marketing triadā€™, where three key methodologies are leveraged: 

(1) Incrementality, which measures the real impact of a marketing activity on a key performance indicator (KPI) of an app, such as the number of installations or in-app purchases (IAPs); 

(2) Media Mix Modeling (MMM), which is the statistical analysis that gauges various marketing activities' impact on a company's return on investment (ROI); and 

(3) Traditional Attribution, which provides direct insights on user interactions with mobile advertisements.

By embracing these next-gen measurement methodologies, marketers can make better-informed decisions without relying on device-level data. 

By transitioning from conventional attribution to a well-rounded measurement approach, marketers can tackle privacy framework challenges, while enhancing the marketing effectiveness of their efforts for improved results and ROI.

One Wrong Decision Can Get You Fired

Marketers usually deal with one of these two challenges:

1) Not having any data to support their strategy
2) Having too much data in too many different places

I've found that either can lead to gross miscalculations that can cost marketers their jobs.

Donā€™t let this happen to you. You can avoid this by proactively getting all your data in one place - a single source of truth - using Supermetrics and Looker Studio. Just choose your data sourcesā€¦ and Supermetrics will take care of the rest ā€” trust me, I've been using it for the last 5+ years!

Soon, youā€™ll find that youā€™re making better business decisions backed by data, not gut feelings.


Adam Gent "noticed that Google can drop the canonical data (both user-selected and Google-selected) for pages that were indexed and moved to "crawled - currently not indexed." He asked, "Is this a reporting error or does your index eventually just drop data points like the canonical metrics?"

Gary Illyes from Google confirmed this is the case. He wrote, "We don't keep (almost) any data for un/de-indexed, this Search Console has nothing to show."

McDonald's is making a substantial investment in its digital marketing to stay at the forefront of the fast-food industry. 

The company is reallocating marketing funds from traditional media to digital channels to increase efficiency and return on investment. This strategy involves enhancing customer experience through digital innovations, such as web-based ordering and personalized loyalty programs.

Food and drink advertisements on video game live streaming platforms (VGLSPs) like Twitch are associated with more positive attitudes towards, and purchases and intake of, unhealthy foods that are high in fat, salt and/or sugar (HFSS) like energy drinks among adolescents aged 18 or younger according to new research being presented at this year's European Congress on Obesity (ECO) in Venice, Italy (12-15 May).

The concerning findings prompt researchers to call for stronger regulations on digital marketing of unhealthy foods to young people on these platforms, where there is currently no effective regulation and minimal efforts to control it.


From its inception as a search engine powerhouse to its diverse array of services under Alphabet, Google continues to shape the digital world. Google operates across various business segments, delineating its revenues into three primary segments: Google Services, Google Cloud, and Other Bets. Each segment represents distinct business units contributing to Googleā€™s expansive ecosystem.

Google Services encompasses an array of consumer-centric services, from the ubiquitous search engine to video streaming, hardware, and advertising platforms. In 2024, Googleā€™s ad revenues worldwide will grow 9.9%, reaching $187.66 billion. In the US in 2024, Google will bring in $77.49 billion in ad revenues, hitting $411.68 per search user.

This year, Google will see more than half (50.5%) of all US search ad spending. Although its search ad earnings will grow a little more than 7% each year through the end of 2026.

Google stands with the major tech giants at the forefront of generative AI and machine learning, which power a wide range of applications from creating content to enhancing user experiences.

The Department of Justice is moving forward with a litigation against Google, alleging the company has monopolized the ad tech market. The jury trial will begin Sept. 9, 2024, and if successful, Google may be forced to sell one or more of its ad tech stack.

Until then, Google has been focused on settling lawsuits, spending more than $1 billion since December 2023 to resolve several battles, including one filed by consumer plaintiffs over data collection in Incognito browsing mode.

Death By a Thousand Cuts: Why Most Agencies Fail

If youā€™re constantly putting out fires in your agency, itā€™s not just the ā€œlittleā€ things that pop up at the last minute. 

It is death by a thousand cuts. 

This doesnā€™t have to be a part of the ā€œagency lifeā€. 

Iā€™ve recently written an article on how to make more money as an agency owner than a ā€œregularā€ job and even reduce your stress by implementing the same system I use in my business to maximize productivity. 

Click below to read my story:


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